Americans want to receive American-made products. The catch? They want it quickly and they don’t want to pay a lot, so what do you do?
First, work with an experienced U.S. supplier. High quality and safety standards provide peace of mind and reflect positively on your brand reputations. Second, choose a supplier that can access unique and versatile materials that are easily made into creative stock products to a wide variety of markets and applications. Neoprene and foam, for example, are different and offer durability, cushioning, softness, weatherproofing, flexibility, printability and thermoregulation, making them excellent choices for applications requiring measures and long wear, yet are lightweight and unobtrusive. You can screen-print or sublimate them with beautiful results.
If budget constrictions are making it difficult there are price friendly solutions! While an American-made polo shirt might be too expensive to order stateside, paper goods such as fans, hats, signs, etc., are competitively priced.
Usually, the word “customization” is equated with “overseas.” Now, U.S. manufacturers can compete for custom projects that previously had to be sourced abroad. We can design a unique solution while ensuring a quick turn and quality product.
Lastly, safety and quality need to be factored into any product you choose to represent your brand. Our US partners provide certifiably safe products and follow all CPSIA standards, which require all products to have a job number, manufacturer’s name and city/state in which the item was made. According to the Federal Trade Commission, “Made in the USA” means that “all or virtually all” of the product has been made in America. That is, all significant parts, processing and labor that go into the product must be of U.S. origin.